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Daily News Events 11th April 2016
Event Name :
Fire at Hotel Chancery Pavilion
Event Date :
11th April 2016
Event Description :
A fire broke out in the basement of Hotel Chancery Pavilion on Residency Road, people were evacuated from the building soon after the incident, fire tenders were rushed to the spot and put out the blaze and no casualties were reported in the fire incident which was caused due to electrical short circuit, in Bengaluru on Monday 11th April 2016
Photo Date :
11th April 2016
Photo Caption :
A fire broke out in the basement of Hotel Chancery Pavilion on Residency Road, people were evacuated from the building soon after the incident, fire tenders were rushed to the spot and put out the blaze and no casualties were reported in the fire incident which was caused due to electrical short circuit, in Bengaluru on Monday 11th April 2016
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