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Daily News Events 16th June 2015
Event Name :
Kerala Judges Son Killed in Accident in Bengaluru
Event Date :
16th June 2015
Event Description :
File photo of Anand Mathew, 20 year old, son of a sitting Kerala High Court Judge, Babu Mathew, a law student, riding pillion on an over speeding motorcycle in the wrong direction, was killed in an accident as the motorcycle rider collided head on with another motorcycle near Dairy Circle, in Bengaluru on Tuesday 16th June 2015
Photo Date :
16th June 2015
Photo Caption :
Police inspecting the bike in which Anand Mathew, 20 year old, son of a sitting Kerala High Court Judge, Babu Mathew, a law student, riding pillion on an over speeding motorcycle in the wrong direction, was killed in an accident as the motorcycle rider collided head on with another motorcycle near Dairy Circle, in Bengaluru on Tuesday 16th June 2015
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