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20th September 2024 [ 6 / 3 ]   View All Today's Pictures View all Off-Beat pictures Daily News Event Archives
Daily News Events 5th September 2014
Event Name :
Interactive Meeting with Mahendra Jain at FKCCI
Event Date :
5th September 2014
Event Description :
S Sampathraman, President, FKCCI discussing with Mahendra Jain, IAS, Principal Secretary, Co operation Department, GoK, during the Interactive Meeting at FKCCI, in Bangalore on Friday 5th September 2014
Photo Date :
5th September 2014
Photo Caption :
S Sampathraman, President, FKCCI greeting Mahendra Jain, IAS, Principal Secretary, Co operation Department, GoK, during the Interactive Meeting, also seen Bharath Kumar R Shah, Chairman, Internal Trade Committee, Tallam R Dwarakanath, Senior Vice President, FKCCI, Dr Muddu Mohan, IAS, Director, Agriculture Marketing Department and others, at FKCCI, in Bangalore on Friday 5th September 2014
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