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20th September 2024 [ 6 / 3 ]   View All Today's Pictures View all Off-Beat pictures Daily News Event Archives
Daily News Events 10th September 2018
Event Name :
Congress Protest against Central Government on Bharath Bandh
Event Date :
10th September 2018
Event Description :
Congress Leaders ride bullock cart and raising slogans against Central Govt following Bharath Bandh called by Congress and other parties against fuel price hike and depreciation of the rupee, in Bengaluru on Monday 10th September 2018
Photo Date :
10th September 2018
Photo Caption :
Congress Leaders ride bullock cart and raising slogans against Central Govt following Bharath Bandh called by Congress and other parties against fuel price hike and depreciation of the rupee, in Bengaluru on Monday 10th September 2018
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